Token Details

The Smartchem Platform is an online environment enabling Industrial Cleaning Buyers and Sellers (Smartchem) to find each other and enter into contract. The Platform uses smart contracts and tokenized fluids to execute and manage all transactions. This core Platform technology uses blockchain to store this information in an immutable, transparent and secure way so that the authenticity of all contracts can always be validated independently of Smartchem. The Smartchem Platform is the only tool in the market that allows you to build up a portfolio of industrial cleaning fluids supplied from Smartchem and trade existing contracts from a single location. In addition, the Platform provides tools to monitor the status of the Buyer’s environmental cleaning portfolio, execute monthly settlements and participate in the community donation pool. Why blockchain? Because it is a distributed database that has unique properties that are not available to conventional, centralized information systems. Blockchain offers immutability, transparency, and decentralization. Once the data is written into blockchain it cannot be tampered with, and that data is accessible to involved parties and stored in a globally distributed network - making it resistant to cyber attacks.

Cleaning Up the Oil and Gas Sector with Solvent-Free Smartchem (Intelligent Fluids) The oil industry uses tremendous volumes of cleaning solvents every year. These solvents cause severe environmental damage. By shifting to eco-friendly Smartchem (Intelligent fluids), petroleum players can make a solid contribution to the sustainability agenda. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the world\\\'s most significant weaknesses, from a delicate health system to worrying social inequality. However, amid all the chaos, its relationship with one pervasive problem was surprisingly positive. As widespread lockdowns led to industrial closure and an instantaneous pause in vehicular travel, air quality gradually improved worldwide. From China\\\'s busy Hubei to industrial northern Italy, pollution levels plummeted by up to 30% from normal levels. Moreover, because of skies clearing in India, people reported seeing the Himalayas from their homes for the first time. Meanwhile, studies revealed a remarkable reduction in waste leaking into oceans, thanks to reduced industrial activity and beach closures. Although the pandemic has done a lot more harm than good, it has shown the world a glimpse of how things would be if pollution levels were lower than usual. So, with recovery underway, businesses across numerous industries anticipate bouncing back with robust \\\"green\\\" strategies for energy, raw materials, and supplies. Even sectors like oil and gas, which have caused major damage over the years, are hoping to contribute to a more sustainable post-pandemic future.